The Hey Score is a dynamic measure calculated by our proprietary algorithm, designed to gauge user engagement and influence across the platform. This score is derived from various factors, including interactions, content engagement, and community feedback. It is a valuable indicator of a user’s visibility and activity on the platform, influencing how content is prioritized and presented to others.

Key Components Influencing the Hey Score

What the Hey Score Means for You

Your Hey Score influences how others see and interact with your content on the platform. A higher score may lead to greater visibility and interactions, while a lower score could reduce these aspects. You can enhance your Hey Score by actively engaging positively and meaningfully and avoiding low-quality interactions.

How Scores are Updated

Score updates are not performed in real-time to maintain system efficiency and responsiveness. Instead, they are calculated periodically and systematically to ensure accuracy without overloading our system resources. This method allows us to efficiently manage and update scores while minimizing the impact on database performance.

Continuous Improvement

We continuously refine our scoring system to reflect user engagement better and adapt to our community's evolving dynamics. This ongoing development ensures that our scoring remains relevant and valuable in promoting a vibrant and interactive community.